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  • Bump version number in DESCRIPTION
  • Run everything in the Testing vignette.
  • Update docs:
    • library(roxygen2); roxygenise()
    • library(pkgdown); build_site() only if you want to preview doc mods but be sure not to git add them. See the vignette on how to update documentation.
    • The latter should pop open a browser preview of the autogenerated API docs. You can git add and commit the www directory.
    • Note that you need to re-run build_site after editing any *.md files in this repo, as it generates HTML from markdown files. Check all the HTML for any markdown-formatting issues.
    • git add any new files
  • Make a GitHub release tag with the same spelling as used in the DESCRIPTION file, e.g. 0.0.4. This is used by some packaging tools such as Conda.
  • See also