This is a base class for Annotation arrays that provides common methods for creating empty arrays and ingesting data.


Duplicates are always disabled in the schemas created for AnnotationArray objects to guarantee each array cell is associated with a unique value. This also means that updates to an array cell will overwrite the previous value (although previous values are still available via time-travel). For example, consider the following AnnotationDataframe (a child of AnnotationArray) with a single cell:

uri <- file.path(tempdir(), "annotdf")
df <- data.frame(value = 1, row.names = "a")
annotdf <- AnnotationDataframe$new(uri, verbose = FALSE)
annotdf$from_dataframe(df, "id")

If we update the cell to value = 2 the previous value 1 will be overwritten.

df$value <- 2
annotdf$from_dataframe(df, "id")
#> $id
#> [1] "a"
#> $value
#> [1] 2
#> attr(,"query_status")
#> [1] "COMPLETE"

If duplicates were allowed the result would be:

## $id
## [1] "a" "a"
## $value
## [1] 1 2
## attr(,"query_status")
## [1] "COMPLETE"

Super classes

tiledbsc::TileDBObject -> tiledbsc::TileDBArray -> AnnotationArray