if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
#################### FinalizeQuery ####################
var.namespace <- 'namespace_example' # character | namespace array is in (an organization name or user's username)
var.array <- 'array_example' # character | name/uri of array that is url-encoded
var.type <- 'type_example' # character | type of query
var.content.type <- 'application/json' # character | Content Type of input and return mime
var.query <- Query$new() # Query | query to run
var.x.payer <- 'x.payer_example' # character | Name of organization or user who should be charged for this request
var.open.at <- 56 # integer | open_at for array in unix epoch
api.instance <- QueryApi$new()
#Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
api.instance$apiClient$apiKeys['X-TILEDB-REST-API-KEY'] <- 'TODO_YOUR_API_KEY';
#Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
# provide your username in the user-serial format
api.instance$apiClient$username <- '<user-serial>';
# provide your api key generated using the developer portal
api.instance$apiClient$password <- '<api_key>';
result <- api.instance$FinalizeQuery(var.namespace, var.array, var.type, var.content.type, var.query, x.payer=var.x.payer, open.at=var.open.at)
#################### GetEstResultSizes ####################
var.namespace <- 'namespace_example' # character | namespace array is in (an organization name or user's username)
var.array <- 'array_example' # character | name/uri of array that is url-encoded
var.type <- 'type_example' # character | type of query
var.content.type <- 'application/json' # character | Content Type of input and return mime
var.query <- Query$new() # Query | query to run
var.x.payer <- 'x.payer_example' # character | Name of organization or user who should be charged for this request
var.open.at <- 56 # integer | open_at for array in unix epoch
api.instance <- QueryApi$new()
#Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
api.instance$apiClient$apiKeys['X-TILEDB-REST-API-KEY'] <- 'TODO_YOUR_API_KEY';
#Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
# provide your username in the user-serial format
api.instance$apiClient$username <- '<user-serial>';
# provide your api key generated using the developer portal
api.instance$apiClient$password <- '<api_key>';
result <- api.instance$GetEstResultSizes(var.namespace, var.array, var.type, var.content.type, var.query, x.payer=var.x.payer, open.at=var.open.at)
#################### GetFile ####################
var.namespace <- 'namespace_example' # character | namespace array is in (an organization name or user's username)
var.array <- 'array_example' # character | name/uri of array that is url-encoded
var.content.type <- 'application/json' # character | Content Type of input and return mime
var.x.payer <- 'x.payer_example' # character | Name of organization or user who should be charged for this request
api.instance <- QueryApi$new()
#Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
api.instance$apiClient$apiKeys['X-TILEDB-REST-API-KEY'] <- 'TODO_YOUR_API_KEY';
#Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
# provide your username in the user-serial format
api.instance$apiClient$username <- '<user-serial>';
# provide your api key generated using the developer portal
api.instance$apiClient$password <- '<api_key>';
result <- api.instance$GetFile(var.namespace, var.array, var.content.type, x.payer=var.x.payer)
#################### SubmitQuery ####################
var.namespace <- 'namespace_example' # character | namespace array is in (an organization name or user's username)
var.array <- 'array_example' # character | name/uri of array that is url-encoded
var.type <- 'type_example' # character | type of query
var.content.type <- 'application/json' # character | Content Type of input and return mime
var.query <- Query$new() # Query | query to run
var.x.payer <- 'x.payer_example' # character | Name of organization or user who should be charged for this request
var.open.at <- 56 # integer | open_at for array in unix epoch
api.instance <- QueryApi$new()
#Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
api.instance$apiClient$apiKeys['X-TILEDB-REST-API-KEY'] <- 'TODO_YOUR_API_KEY';
#Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
# provide your username in the user-serial format
api.instance$apiClient$username <- '<user-serial>';
# provide your api key generated using the developer portal
api.instance$apiClient$password <- '<api_key>';
result <- api.instance$SubmitQuery(var.namespace, var.array, var.type, var.content.type, var.query, x.payer=var.x.payer, open.at=var.open.at)
#################### SubmitQueryJson ####################
var.namespace <- 'namespace_example' # character | namespace array is in (an organization name or user's username)
var.array <- 'array_example' # character | name/uri of array that is url-encoded
var.content.type <- 'application/json' # character | Content Type of input and return mime
var.query.json <- QueryJson$new() # QueryJson | query to run
var.x.payer <- 'x.payer_example' # character | Name of organization or user who should be charged for this request
api.instance <- QueryApi$new()
#Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
api.instance$apiClient$apiKeys['X-TILEDB-REST-API-KEY'] <- 'TODO_YOUR_API_KEY';
#Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
# provide your username in the user-serial format
api.instance$apiClient$username <- '<user-serial>';
# provide your api key generated using the developer portal
api.instance$apiClient$password <- '<api_key>';
result <- api.instance$SubmitQueryJson(var.namespace, var.array, var.content.type, var.query.json, x.payer=var.x.payer)
} # }