Create a task graph log.
@param namespace character
@param log TaskGraphLog
@returnType TaskGraphLog
status code : 201 | The task graph was created. The returned TaskGraphLog will include the data the client sent, with the server-defined fields added in. return type : TaskGraphLog response headers :
status code : 200 | Information about the execution of a single task graph. return type : TaskGraphLog response headers :
status code : 200 | The task graph logs that matched the user's query. return type : TaskGraphLogsData response headers :
Method new()
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
#################### CreateTaskGraphLog ####################
var.namespace <- 'namespace_example' # character | The namespace that will own this task graph log.
var.log <- TaskGraphLog$new() # TaskGraphLog |
api.instance <- TaskGraphLogsApi$new()
#Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
api.instance$apiClient$apiKeys['X-TILEDB-REST-API-KEY'] <- 'TODO_YOUR_API_KEY';
#Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
# provide your username in the user-serial format
api.instance$apiClient$username <- '<user-serial>';
# provide your api key generated using the developer portal
api.instance$apiClient$password <- '<api_key>';
result <- api.instance$CreateTaskGraphLog(var.namespace, var.log)
#################### GetTaskGraphLog ####################
var.namespace <- 'namespace_example' # character | The namespace that owns this task graph log.
var.id <- 'id_example' # character | The UUID of the task graph log entry.
api.instance <- TaskGraphLogsApi$new()
#Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
api.instance$apiClient$apiKeys['X-TILEDB-REST-API-KEY'] <- 'TODO_YOUR_API_KEY';
#Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
# provide your username in the user-serial format
api.instance$apiClient$username <- '<user-serial>';
# provide your api key generated using the developer portal
api.instance$apiClient$password <- '<api_key>';
result <- api.instance$GetTaskGraphLog(var.namespace, var.id)
#################### ListTaskGraphLogs ####################
var.namespace <- 'namespace_example' # character | Include logs for this namespace.
var.created.by <- 'created.by_example' # character | Include logs from only this user.
var.search <- 'search_example' # character | search string that will look at name.
var.start.time <- 'start.time_example' # character | Include logs created after this time.
var.end.time <- 'end.time_example' # character | Include logs created before this time.
var.page <- 56 # integer | pagination offset
var.per.page <- 56 # integer | pagination limit
api.instance <- TaskGraphLogsApi$new()
#Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
api.instance$apiClient$apiKeys['X-TILEDB-REST-API-KEY'] <- 'TODO_YOUR_API_KEY';
#Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
# provide your username in the user-serial format
api.instance$apiClient$username <- '<user-serial>';
# provide your api key generated using the developer portal
api.instance$apiClient$password <- '<api_key>';
result <- api.instance$ListTaskGraphLogs(namespace=var.namespace, created.by=var.created.by, search=var.search, start.time=var.start.time, end.time=var.end.time, page=var.page, per.page=var.per.page)
#################### UpdateTaskGraphLog ####################
var.namespace <- 'namespace_example' # character | The namespace that owns this task graph log.
var.id <- 'id_example' # character | The UUID of the task graph log entry.
var.log <- TaskGraphLog$new() # TaskGraphLog | Updates to make to the task graph log. The only manual update that a client should need to make to a task graph log is to update its completion status to `succeeded`, `failed`, or `cancelled`.
api.instance <- TaskGraphLogsApi$new()
#Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
api.instance$apiClient$apiKeys['X-TILEDB-REST-API-KEY'] <- 'TODO_YOUR_API_KEY';
#Configure HTTP basic authorization: BasicAuth
# provide your username in the user-serial format
api.instance$apiClient$username <- '<user-serial>';
# provide your api key generated using the developer portal
api.instance$apiClient$password <- '<api_key>';
result <- api.instance$UpdateTaskGraphLog(var.namespace, var.id, var.log)
} # }