
cf.copy_data_from_xarray(dataset, group_uri, *, config=None, ctx=None, region=None, skip_vars=None, copy_group_metadata=False, copy_variable_metadata=False)

Copies data from an xarray dataset to a TileDB group.

Optionally copies metadata as well as variable data.


Name Type Description Default
dataset The xarray Dataset to write. required
group_uri The URI to the TileDB group to create or append to. required
config typing.Optional[tiledb.tiledb.Config] A TileDB config object to use for TileDB objects. None
ctx typing.Optional[tiledb.tiledb.Ctx] A TileDB context object to use for TileDB operations. None
region typing.Optional[typing.Mapping[str, slice]] A mapping from dimension names to integer slices that specify what regions in the TileDB arrays to write the data. Regions include the first value of the slice and exclude the final value. None
skip_vars typing.Optional[typing.Set[str]] A set of names of variables not to copy to the TileDB group. None
copy_group_metadata If true, copy xarray dataset metadata to the TileDB group. False
copy_variable_metadata If true, copy xarray variable metadata to the TileDB arrays as TileDB attribute metadata. False