TileDB-CF NetCDF Engine

NetCDF Data Model

The NetCDF data model is a common choice for multi-dimensional data, especially in the climate and weather space. NetCDF and TileDB use over lapping terminology to refer to concepts in their respective data model.

A complete description of the NetCDF data model can be found at the UCAR website.

A NetCDF file consists of groups, dimensions, variables, and attributes. Each NetCDF file has at least one root group that contains all other objects. Additional subgroups can be added to heirarchically organize the data.

  • Dimensions: A dimension is a name-size pair that describes an axis of a multi-dimension array. The size of the dimension may be “unlimited” (allowed to grow). The NetCDF dimension is roughly ananlogous to a TileDB dimension in a dense TileDB array.

  • Variables: A variable is a multi-dimensional array with a NetCDF dimension associated to each axis of the array. The size of the dimensions must match the shape of the multi-dimensional array. A NetCDF variable is roughly equivalent to either a TileDB attribute in a sparse or dense TileDB array or a TileDB dimension in a sparse TileDB array.

  • Attribute: An attribute is a key-value pair that is associated with either a group or variable. Attributes are used to store (typically small) metadata. NetCDF attributes are roughly equivalent to TileDB metadata.

  • Group: A NetCDF group is a collection of dimensions, variables, and attributes. A simple NetCDF group might map to a TileDB array. A more complex group would need to be mapped to a TileDB group.

NetCDF-to-TileDB Compatibility

The TileDB-CF package provides an interface for generating TileDB groups from NetCDF datasets using the TileDB-CF Dataspace convention. The CF Dataspace model supports the classic NetCDF-4 data model by mapping:

  • NetCDF groups to TileDB groups;
  • NetCDF dimensions to TileDB dimensions;
  • NetCDF variables to TileDB attributes or TileDB dimensions;
  • NetCDF attributes to TileDB group or array metadata.

Some features and use cases do not directly transfer or may need to be modified before use in TileDB.

  • Coordinates: In NetCDF, it is a common convention to name a one-dimensional variable with the same name as its dimension to signify it as a “coordinate” or independent variable other variables are defined on. In TileDB, a variable and dimension in the same array cannot have the same name. This can be handled by renaming either the dimension or the variable when copying to TileDB.

  • Unlimited Dimensions: TileDB can support unlimited dimensions by creating the domain on a dimension larger than the initial data. The domain must be set at creation time, and cannot be modified after array creation.

  • Compound data types: As of TileDB version 2.16, compound data types are not directly supported in TileDB. Compound data types can be broken into their constituent parts; however, this breaks storage locality. Variable, opaque, and string data types are supported.

Programmatic Interface

The NetCDFConverterEngine is a configurable tool for ingesting data from NetCDF into TileDB. The class can be manually constructed, or it can be auto-generated from a NetCDF file or group.

Command-Line Interface

TileDB-CF provides a command line interface to the NetCDF converter engine. It contains the following options:

    Usage: tiledb-cf netcdf-convert [OPTIONS]

        Converts a NetCDF input file to nested TileDB groups.

        -i, --input-file TEXT           The path or URI to the NetCDF file that will be converted.  [required]

        -o, --output-uri TEXT           The URI for the output TileDB group. [required]

        --input-group-path TEXT         The path in the input NetCDF for the root group that will be converted.  [default: /]

        --recursive / --no-recursive    Recursively convert all groups contained in the input group path.  [default: True]

        -k, --output-key TEXT           Key for the generated TileDB arrays.

        --unlimited-dim-size INTEGER    Size to convert unlimited dimensions to. [default: 10000]

        --dim-dtype [int8|int16|int32|int64|uint8|uint16|uint32|uint64]
                                  The data type for TileDB dimensions created from converted NetCDF.  [default: uint64]

        --help                          Show this message and exit.