import netCDF4
import numpy as np
import tiledb
NetCDF-to-TileDB: How to set the max fragment size for copying data
About this Example
What it Shows
This shows a simple example of copying a NetCDF file in multiple chunks by setting the maximum fragment size for arrays in the NetCDF4ConverterEngine
Example dataset
- Dimensions:
- x: size=8
- y: size=8
- z: size=8
- Variables:
- f(x, y, z) = [0, …, 511]
Set-up Requirements
This example requires the following python packages are installed: netCDF4, numpy, tiledb, and tiledb-cf
# Set names for the output generated by the example.
= "output/netcdf-to-tiledb-set-max-fragment-size"
output_dir = f"{output_dir}/"
netcdf_file = f"{output_dir}/simple_copy_chunks" array_uri
# Reset output folder
import os
import shutil
shutil.rmtree(output_dir, ignore_errors os.mkdir(output_dir)
with netCDF4.Dataset(netcdf_file, mode="w") as dataset:
"title": "Simple dataset for examples"})
dataset.setncatts({"x", 8)
dataset.createDimension("y", 8)
dataset.createDimension("z", 8)
dataset.createDimension(= dataset.createVariable("f", np.int64, ("x", "y", "z"))
f = np.reshape(np.arange(512), (8, 8, 8))
f[:, :, :] print(f"Created example NetCDF file `{netcdf_file}`.")
# Create NetCDF4 converter and print output
converter converter
# Set max_fragment_shape for array
"array0").domain_creator.max_fragment_shape = (4, 8, 2)
converter.get_array_creator( converter
# Run conversion (using `convert_to_array` since there is only 1 array in the group)
# Consolidate fragment metadata (recommended for copying multiple fragments)
tiledb.consolidate(=tiledb.Config({"sm.consolidation.mode": "fragment_meta"})
array_uri, config )
# View fragments information to confirm multiple separate chunks were copied
= tiledb.FragmentInfoList(array_uri)
fragment_info print(f"Number of fragments: {len(fragment_info)}")
for frag in fragment_info:
f"Fragment {frag.num}: nonempty_domain={frag.nonempty_domain}, has_consolidated_metadata={frag.has_consolidated_metadata}"