
cf.create_group(uri, group_schema, *, key=None, ctx=None, config=None, append=False)

Creates a TileDB group with arrays at relative locations inside the group.

All arrays in the group will be added at a relative URI that matches the array name.


Name Type Description Default
uri str Uniform resource identifier for TileDB group or array. required
group_schema[str, tiledb.tiledb.ArraySchema] A mapping from array names to array schemas to add to the group. required
key typing.Optional[typing.Union[typing.Dict[str, str], str]] A encryption key or dict from array names to encryption keys. None
ctx typing.Optional[tiledb.tiledb.Ctx] If not None, TileDB context wrapper for a TileDB storage manager. None
append bool If True, add arrays from the provided group schema to an already existing group. The names for the arrays in the group schema cannot already exist in the group being append to. False