
cf.netcdf_engine.NetCDF4DimToDimConverter(self, name, domain, dtype, input_dim_name, input_dim_size, is_unlimited, *, registry)

Converter for a NetCDF dimension to a TileDB dimension.


Name Type Description Default
name str Name of the TileDB dimension. required
domain typing.Optional[typing.Tuple[typing.Optional[], typing.Optional[]]] The (inclusive) interval on which the dimension is valid. required
dtype numpy.numpy.dtype The numpy dtype of the values and domain of the dimension. required
input_dim_name str Name of the input NetCDF variable. required
input_dim_size int Size of the input NetCDF variable. required
is_unlimited bool If True, the input NetCDF variable is unlimited. required


Name Type Description
name Name of the TileDB dimension.
domain The (inclusive) interval on which the dimension is valid.
dtype The numpy dtype of the values and domain of the dimension.
input_dim_name Name of the input NetCDF dimension
input_dim_size Size of the input NetCDF dimension.
is_unlimited If True, the input NetCDF dimension is unlimited.