
cf.netcdf_engine.NetCDF4VarToAttrConverter(self, name, dtype, fill, var, nullable, filters, input_var_name, input_var_dtype, unpack, *, registry=None)

Converter for a NetCDF variable to a TileDB attribute.


Name Type Description Default
name str The name of the attribute. required
dtype numpy.numpy.dtype The datatype of the attribute that will be created. required
fill typing.Optional[typing.Union[int, float, str]] Optional fill value for the attribute that will be created. required
var bool Specifies if the attribute that will be created will be variable length (automatic for byte/strings). required
nullable bool Specifies if the attribute that will be created will be nullable using validity tiles. required
filters typing.Optional[tiledb.tiledb.FilterList] Filter pipeline to apply to the attribute. required
input_var_name str Name of the input netCDF variable to convert. required
input_var_dtype numpy.numpy.dtype Datatype of the netCDF variable to convert. required
unpack bool If True, unpack the data before converting. required
registry typing.Optional[[typing_extensions.Self]] Registry for this attribute creator. None