

apply(uri[, func, ranges, name, attrs, ...])

Apply a user defined function to an array, synchronously.

apply_async(*args, **kwargs)

Apply a user-defined function to an array, asynchronously.

apply_base(uri[, func, ranges, name, attrs, ...])

Apply a user-defined function to an array, and return data and metadata.

array_activity(uri[, async_req])

Fetch array activity :param uri: :param async_req: return future instead of results for async support :return:

delete_array(uri, *[, async_req])

Deregister the array from the tiledb cloud service, then deletes physical array from disk.

deregister_array(uri[, async_req])

Deregister the from the tiledb cloud service.

exec_multi_array_udf([func, array_list, ...])

Apply a user-defined function to multiple arrays, synchronously.

exec_multi_array_udf_async([func, ...])

Apply a user-defined function to multiple arrays, asynchronously.

exec_multi_array_udf_base([func, ...])

Apply a user defined function to multiple arrays.

info(uri[, async_req])

Returns the cloud metadata

list_shared_with(uri[, async_req])

Return array sharing policies


Takes a list of the following objects per dimension:

register_array(uri[, namespace, array_name, ...])

Register this array with the tiledb cloud service :param str namespace: The user or organization to register the array under. If unset will default to the user :param str array_name: name of array :param str description: optional description :param str access_credentials_name: optional name of access credentials to use, if left blank default for namespace will be used :param async_req: return future instead of results for async support.

share_array(uri, namespace, permissions[, ...])

Shares array with give namespace and permissions

unshare_array(uri, namespace[, async_req])

Removes sharing of an array from given namespace

update_file_properties(uri[, file_type, ...])

Update an Array to indicate its a file and has given properties.

update_info(uri[, array_name, description, ...])

Update an array's info :param str namespace: The username or organization that owns the array. If unset, will use the logged-in user. :param str array_name: name of array to rename to :param str description: optional description :param str access_credentials_name: The access credentials to use when accessing the backing array. Leave unset to not change. :param list tags: to update to :param str file_type: array represents give file type :param str file_properties: set file properties on array :param async_req: return future instead of results for async support.

