

fetch_results(task_id, *[, result_format])

Fetches the results of a previously-executed UDF or SQL query.

fetch_results_pandas(task_id, *[, result_format])

Fetches the results of a previously-executed UDF or SQL query.


Fetch the last run sql array task :return task : object with task details


Fetch the last run udf task :return task : object with task details

task(id[, async_req])

Fetch a single array task :param str id: id to lookup :param async_req: return future instead of results for async support :return task : object with task details

tasks([namespace, array, start, end, ...])

Fetch all tasks a user has access too :param str namespace: optional filter by namespace :param str array: optional limit tasks to specific array :param datetime start: optional start time for listing of tasks, defaults to 7 days ago :param datetime end: optional end time for listing of tasks defaults to now :param str status: optional filter on status can be one of ['FAILED', 'RUNNING', 'COMPLETED'] :param int page: optional page for pagenating results :param int per_page: optional records to return per page :param async_req: return future instead of results for async support :return: