
Python support for notebook I/O on Tiledb Cloud. All notebook JSON content is assumed to be encoded as UTF-8.


download_notebook_contents(tiledb_uri, *[, ...])

Downloads a notebook file from TileDB Cloud to contents as a string,

download_notebook_to_file(tiledb_uri, ...[, ...])

Downloads a notebook file from TileDB Cloud to local disk.

rename_notebook(tiledb_uri[, notebook_name, ...])

Update an array's info :param str tiledb_uri: such as "tiledb://TileDB-Inc/quickstart_dense". :param str notebook_name: such as "quickstart_dense_new_name". :param str access_credentials_name: optional name of access credentials to use. If left blank. default for namespace will be used. :param bool async_req: return future instead of results for async support.

upload_notebook_contents(ipynb_file_contents, *)

Uploads a notebook file to TileDB Cloud. :param ipynb_file_contents: The contents of the notebook file as a string, nominally in JSON format. :param storage_path: such as "s3://acmecorp-janedoe", typically from the user's account settings. :param array_name : name to be seen in the UI, such as "testing-upload" :param namespace: such as "janedoe". :param storage_credential_name: such as "janedoe-creds", typically from the user's account settings. :param on_exists: such as OnExists.FAIL (default), OVERWRITE or AUTO-INCREMENT :return: TileDB array name, such as "tiledb://janedoe/testing-upload".

upload_notebook_from_file(ipynb_file_name, *)

Uploads a local-disk notebook file to TileDB Cloud. :param ipnyb_file_name: such as "./mycopy.ipynb". Must be local; no S3 URI support at present. :param namespace: such as "janedoe". :param array_name : name to be seen in the UI, such as "testing-upload". :param storage_path: such as "s3://acmecorp-janedoe", typically from the user's account settings. :param storage_credential_name: such as "janedoe-creds", typically from the user's account settings. :param on_exists: such as OnExists.FAIL (default), OVERWRITE or AUTO-INCREMENT :return: TileDB array name, such as "tiledb://janedoe/testing-upload".


OnExists(value[, names, module, qualname, ...])

Action to take if the array already exists.