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Get version and install information of the core libtiledb install





.core_info(): A named character vector with the following entries:

  • version”: libtiledb version

  • libtype”: type of libtiledb install; will be one of “vendored”, “system”, or “unknown

.core_hash(): The MD5 hash of the core info

Checking the libtiledb information in downstream packages

These functions are designed to make it easy to test if the core libtiledb install has changed. This is accomplished by adding a build-time constant to cache the version of libtiledb was built with. For example, in zzz.R, put the following line to cache the libtiledb information during package build

.built_with <- list(libtiledb = tiledb::.core_hash())

Then, in the load hook, add the following check

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  if (.built_with$libtiledb != tiledb::.core_hash()) {
    warning("Core libtiledb has changed, please reinstall ", pkgname)

This will throw a warning if tiledb, and therefore libtiledb, has changed between downstream package install and load


#>  version  libtype 
#> "2.27.0" "system" 

#> [1] "17c9b4d820870f7c171fccf2be8fdfea"